For those who are confused about our move, here's a quick summary. Our house is too small, and we are tired of all the "accessories" to condo life (i.e. neighbor noise, parking lots), so we sold our condo planning to buy a home. However, with the down market, we are losing too much on the sale, so we are planning to rent a home for a year or two until we can buy. It's not the way we planned for things to work out, and we love our ward up here in Bothell, but we are excited to live in a real house with no noisy neighbors upstairs or down (except our beautiful noisy girls), and renting doesn't really bother us for now as long as we can get closer to work. So if anyone knows of a great place to rent with at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, let us know. It also, PLEASE, needs to be clean. That's the biggest problem with most of what we've seen so far. Some places are just... OI. Yeah, horrible.
In other news this week, Mariah has all of a sudden gotten two teeth (one on top and one on bottom), and the other two are coming in very soon. She's been very crabby, but I'm just relieved she's finally going to be able to chew things. Oh, and here's another cute picture of Anna this week. She was so sleepy that she fell asleep while we changed her diaper. We just left her on the changing pad because it was so funny. :) Have a great week!